How to Ensure Your SEO Strategy Delivers the Right Traffic


When it comes to SEO, achieving first page rankings and getting more traffic is one thing, but what about ensuring those rankings deliver the right type of traffic to your website, traffic that will actually convert into new customers?

Here are three steps to ensure that your SEO campaign delivers the right traffic to your website.
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Online Reputation Management Strategy

Individuals around the world now turn to the Internet as their first source of information about people and businesses. Professionals research potential employers online, and consumers judge companies by their reviews on the Internet. More than ever before, individuals and businesses must become proactive about their online reputations.


A proactive online reputation management strategy primarily entails several calls to action: Continue reading

Tips for Effective SEO Project Management

I entered the world of SEO as an affiliate marketer working from the bedroom of my college apartment. Even as my career progressed, I still worked alone. But when I became an SEO consultant at Distilled, managing a project that might involve multiple people became an vital skill.

I’d like to share some tips on improving SEO project management, some things I’ve learned along the way, and also give you some insights into the way Distilled works.

#1 Project Management Is an SEO Skill

The success of an SEO campaign is not limited to your ability to execute SEO tactics. It’s often dictated by your ability to manage projects, people, clients, and external factors. As your strategies become more complex, learning how to manage a project is an invaluable skill. I believe skills as a project manager helps an SEO manage expectations, put out fires, and work to get buy-in on an idea.

#2 Define and Execute Goals

SEO strategies are complicated, but I believe Distilled has strong process for evaluating and executing a project. I’d break this process into five major components.

Scrum Process

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Good News For Your Facebook Traffic

Much has been made of the decline of organic reach of Facebook Page posts, but the social network only continues to drive more and more traffic to websites. In fact, according to a new report, it’s the only one of the top eight social networks to actually drive more traffic from March to June than it did in the months prior.In April, we looked at Shareholic’s Q1 Social Media Traffic Report. It found that Facebook referrals were skyrocketing, increasing nearly 38% between December and April. Pinterest came in second place (a distant second at that), but was growing even faster at over 48%.

Now the Q2 report is out, and Facebook and Pinterest remain in the number one and two spots respectively, but the numbers look considerably different. Facebook increased by 10.09% while Pinterest decreased over 19%.



Wow, what happened, Pinterest? And this comes as we were just talking about how much Buzzfeed has been growing its Pinterest traffic. Continue reading

The Ghost of Link Building Past

I can’t accurately provide you with the year when link building started, but I can tell you that link building has existed for a long time.

Link Buliding

Eric Ward, who is known as the godfather of link building, helped create a link building strategy all the way back in 1994. That’s four years before Google even existed.

Link building hasn’t always been the prettiest profession. In previous years, there was a links arms race. Continue reading

Een Inzicht in de Flexibiliteit van Koerierdiensten!

Een goede en betrouwbare Koerierdienst is lastig  te vinden. Er zijn momenteel namelijk honderden kleine ondernemingen en zzpers die goedkope prijzen offreren, maar dan ook geen goede dienst leveren Dit is het werkveld van de koerierdienst, veel medestrijders maar het verschil is ingewikkeld om vast te stellen. Door de enorme werkloosheid zijn honderden werklozen geneigd om als zzper aan de slag te gaan voor goedkope bedragen

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4 Creative Ways to Attract More Visitors to Your Website


1. Create an amazing blog.

Note the word ‘amazing’. I’m not talking about a blog you only update when you’ve got a new client or exhibition, or something new to sell. I’m not talking about a personal diary where you to post your musings on art, life, and the universe. I mean the kind of blog that grabs people’s attention by delivering outstandingly valuable, useful, or entertaining material.

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Free Education among poor Children


Education in India is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: central, state, and local. Takshasila was the earliest recorded centre of higher learning in India from at least 5th century BCE and it is debatable whether it could be regarded a university or not. The Nalanda University was the oldest university-system of education in the world in the modern sense of university.[3] Western education became ingrained into Indian society with the establishment of the British Raj.
